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.: [C II] Spectral Mapping of the Galactic Wind and Starbursting Disk of M82 with
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Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
.: [C II] Spectral Mapping of the Galactic Wind and Starbursting Disk of M82 with
Simulating this process of photosynthesis, by which plants form sugar out of carbon dioxide and water using the energy from light; many single-celled organisms produce hydrogen in a similar way.
Energy Conversion Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion Sun and wind
Earth Sciences
Sciences Evolution Ancestors of today’s sponges formed 560 million years ago more Wind
Bats carried aloft to almost 2,000 metres by air currents
At night, the bats must therefore use other types of uplifting wind.
Umgebungsbedingungen und genetische Ausstattung einzelner Pflanzen beeinflussen die Reaktion von Insekten auf pflanzlichen Duftstoff
wahrscheinlich eine Hauptrolle bei der Stickstofffixierung im Meer Seevögel im rauen Wind
Die bakteriellen Aufräumarbeiten nach Algenblüten sind gar nicht so komplex
Artgenossen und verleihen diesen so krankmachende Eigenschaften Seevögel im rauen Wind
Der Teufelszwirn Cuscuta australis fängt die Blühsignale seiner Wirtspflanzen ab, um seinen eigenen Blühmechanismus zu aktivieren.
Biosynthese des Chemoterapeutikums für die Krebstherapie identifiziert Seevögel im rauen Wind
At the end of the 19th century, the world of physics seemed to be on a secure footing. It was mainly marked by mechanics, with electrodynamics and thermodynamics gaining in importance. There were problems emerging at the interface between these areas, such as that of heat radiation, for which it had not been possible to find conclusive answers.
In 1887, Michelson and Morley tried to take direct measurements of the “ether wind
Scientists achieve breakthrough in scientific imaging
Pacherres, Maria Mosshammer, Mathilde Godefroid, Michael Wind-Hansen, Marcel Kuypers
Scientists achieve breakthrough in scientific imaging
Pacherres, Maria Mosshammer, Mathilde Godefroid, Michael Wind-Hansen, Marcel Kuypers