Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: wilde westen

Nigerian Dwarf Goat – Zoo Atlanta

Goats were among one of the very first domesticated animals and have been part of human life as companions and a source of hides and food for millennia. Many thousands of years of selective breeding have produced a large number of breeds specialized for different purposes and climates. Their particularly rich milk, small size, and easygoing manner make them popular as family pets and for small-scale dairy operations.
Scientific name: Capra aegagrus hircus diet: Herbivore range:Western Africa [VIEW

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Prehensile-tailed skink – Zoo Atlanta

There are more species in the skink family than in any other lizard family. They generally have reduced limbs and smooth, overlapping scales with a bony plate in the skin underneath each scale. Prehensile-tailed skinks are the longest members of the skink family and are endemic to the Solomon Islands. These islands northeast of Australia are the only place in the world where prehensile-tailed skinks are native.
Scientific name: Corucia zebrata diet: Herbivore range:Western Asia habitat:Dry

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