Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: wilde westen

A Primate Paradox: Keeping Wildlife Wild Through Habituation And Eco-Tourism | Smithsonian’s

What is it like to see a gorilla in the wild? – Biology Institute (SCBI) scientists have teamed up with local experts to habituate western – SCBI-GBP program manager Angelique Todd walks us through her world of wild gorillas
Search August 03, 2016 A Primate Paradox: Keeping Wildlife Wild

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Saving Black-footed Ferrets With Modern Technology | Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

Once thought to be extinct, less than 300 individuals are estimated to live in the wild – Reintroduction efforts have established small, scattered populations in locations throughout western
Once thought to be extinct, less than 300 individuals are estimated to live in the wild

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Primate Diary: Observing Orangutans in the Wild | Smithsonian’s National Zoo and

As two orangutan infants tussled in the trees, curator of primates Meredith Bastian and primate keeper Alex Reddy looked on in awe. Over the summer, they traveled to Central Kalimantan in Indonesian Borneo to follow these great apes in their native habitat.
In 2003, I helped train the first field assistants in wild orangutan collection data

  • International
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