Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: wilde westen/<br

Steven R. Manchester Curriculum Vitae – Paleobotany + Palynology

Curator of Paleobotany Florida Museum of Natural History Adjunct Professor Department of Biology University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 Ph. 352 273 1935 Home ph. 352 335-6343 Email: Education B.S. Botany, with honors, Oregon State University, Corvallis, 19
genus Palibinia in North America: Leaves and fruits of Palibinia comptonifolia (RW Br

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Family tree of ‘boring’ butterflies shows they’re anything but – Research News

Walk a short distance through the Amazon Rainforest, and you might witness what look like dead leaves launch from the ground and fly off into the understory. These masters of disguise are euptychiines, one of the most diverse and least understood groups of butterflies in the American Tropics. The
recent example is a large butterfly that used to be known as Pseudodebis celia from western

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Herbarium Library – University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS)

The University of Florida Herbarium maintains a non-circulating reference library of publications pertinent to the naming and classification of vascular plants (plant taxonomy and nomenclature). The literature in this collection contains descriptions, geographical ranges and keys for differentiatin
Andreaeobryaceae AN8 Anomodontaceae AR2 Archidiaceae AU4 Aulacomniaceae BA7 Bartramiaceae BR2

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