Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: man

The joint effort to save sawfish – Research News

Hear the International Sawfish Encounter Database’s George Burgess, renowned marine wildlife artist Guy Harvey and Chris Peterson of Hell’s Bay Boatworks talk about their joint effort to save endangered sawfish and maintain the natural health of shallow water flats. Harvey describes the rare and ch
effort and one of the donors to UF study of the imposing animals this Guy Harvey, a man

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‘Netherworldly’ freshwater fish named for Thai conservation visionary – Research News

At first glance, Garra surinbinnani looks like a stout, brown minnow with the face of a boxer who’s gone one too many rounds. But the deep gash in its forehead studded with blue spikes is a natural feature whose function remains a mystery. Discovered by Florida Museum of Natural History researche
Completely unnerved, the man abandoned poaching instead.

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After routing de Soto, Chickasaws repurposed Spanish objects for everyday use – Research News

Archaeologists have unearthed a rare trove of more than 80 metal objects in Mississippi thought to be from Hernando de Soto’s 16th-century expedition through the Southeast. Many of the objects were repurposed by the resident Chickasaws as household tools and ornaments, an unusual practice at a time
A shrewd man with a reputation for bloodshed, de Soto was previously a key figure

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About the Endangered Species Act – Discover Fishes

History of the United States Endangered Species Act Conservation efforts to save species of plants and animals from extinction began in the early 1900s. A species of plant or animal is considered extinct when there are no living members of that group found alive anywhere on Earth; in other words, a
mechanisms existing today to protect the species; or If there are any other natural or man-made

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Shark Conservation References – Florida Program for Shark Research

Conservation-Oriented References on Sharks compiled by: George H. Burgess Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 Applegate, S.P., Soltelo-Macias, F. and Espinosa-Arrubarrena, L. 1993. An overview of Mexican shark fisheries, with suggestions for shark
Shark-Eating Man. World Watch 5 (2): 7-9.

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Sawfish Myths – Discover Fishes

A Fish Tale: Sawfish Fact and Fiction Through History By Carmen Elenberger For years sawfish carried a reputation as a formidable denizen of the deep. Their reputation was spread by writers such as Jules Verne, whose famous Captain Nemo instructed his sailors in Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The
Apart from a suspicious account of a man being sawn in half by a sawfish in eighteenth

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Isurus oxyrinchus – Discover Fishes

Shortfin Mako Isurus oxyrinchus The shortfin mako is considered the fastest shark in the world, able to reach burst swimming speeds of up to 43 mph (70 km h-1) (Diez et al. 2015). This classically shaped shark is hydrodynamically efficient with a pointed snout, triangular dorsal fin and larg
The shortfin mako was featured prominently in Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and

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A Celebration of Museums is a Celebration of Collections – Events

 The first Collectors Day at the Florida Museum of Natural History was part of our International Museum Day celebration on May 18, 1980. It hosted 20 collections and highlighted the importance of them and museums. Our last Collectors Day in 2020 hosted over 110 collections with 2,100 visitors, conti
2 & 3, Finding Nemo (2003), The Incredibles (2004), Casino Royale (2006), Iron Man

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A kaleidoscope of monarchs: Marveling at one of nature’s greatest journeys – Research News

Our horses breathed deep but kept a steady pace as we ascended to 10,000 feet above sea level, scanning the greenery for the first glimpse of orange. The air was crisp, the February sun warm on our backs – perfect conditions for butterflies awakening from a chilly night’s slumber. Every fall,
A man carries supplies through the marketplace outside the entrance to El Rosario

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