Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: kater

Meintest du kalter?

Window / Silent Book / Marion Arbona – mundo azul

Außergewöhnliche Dinge passieren hinter den Fenstern der Stadt in diesem einzigartigen Bilderbuch ohne Text. Für Kinder ab 4 Jahren. ———————————- Have you ever wondered what is behind a closed window? There could be extraordinary things to see right in your very own neighborhood. Open the window a
id“:11474054414604,“title“:“La La La: A Story of Hope \/ Silent Book Englisch \/ Kate

La serra / Silent Book / Giovanni Colaneri – mundo azul

Für Kinder ab 3 Jahren  A city full of smoke, a very gray day.To change perspective, however, the kind little sparrow that guides the protagonist of this story to a fantastic place may be enough: an incredible greenhouse, in which to find many new friends. By joining forces, a plan is soon made to breathe new life into
id“:11474054414604,“title“:“La La La: A Story of Hope \/ Silent Book Englisch \/ Kate

L’asino scomparso / Silent Book Italienisch / Lucio Notarnicola – mundo azul

Für Kinder ab 4 Jahren  „Once upon a time there was a donkey.Actually no, once upon a time there were two donkeys.But one disappeard.Therefore, once upon a time there was a donkey and no one knows about the other.“ ——————————————– C’era una volta un asino.Anzi no, c’erano una volta due asin
id“:11474054414604,“title“:“La La La: A Story of Hope \/ Silent Book Englisch \/ Kate

Finestre / Silent Book / Lola Svetlova – mundo azul

Für Kinder ab 3 Jahren  Great books without words, to tell stories through the magic of images alone. Great authors who participated in the prestigious Silent Book Contest award, the first international competition dedicated to wordless books. Illustrated and bound volumes ———————————————
id“:11474054414604,“title“:“La La La: A Story of Hope \/ Silent Book Englisch \/ Kate

Dandelion’s Dream / Kinderbuch Englisch / Silent Book / Yoko Tanaka – mundo azul

Ohne Text erzählt das Buch die Geschichte eines Löwenzahns, der zum Löwe wird.  Für Kinder ab 3 Jahren.  ———————————————— What if a dandelion became a dandy lion? With enchanting, ethereal art, this is a wordless story where reality is transformed by imagination. In a meadow filled with
id“:11474054414604,“title“:“La La La: A Story of Hope \/ Silent Book Englisch \/ Kate

„The Circus (서커스) “ Lim Yu / Bilderbuch Koreanisch – mundo azul

This book is a fantasy picture book that shows that a toy vending machine canactually be a very entertaining circus stage. But readers don’t realize that untilthey reach the end of the book. Readers who have read this book will be remindedof the circus where cute bears and people perform, every time they see a vendingm
id“:11474054414604,“title“:“La La La: A Story of Hope \/ Silent Book Englisch \/ Kate

Sommer / Kinderbuch Deutsch / Silent Book / Jihyun Kim – mundo azul

Ein Junge unternimmt mit seiner Familie eine Sommerreise – und lässt sich auf den Zauber der Natur ein. »Manchmal sind wir so beschäftigt, dass kostbare Momente unbemerkt an uns vorbeiziehen. Wir sollten wieder lernen, die Bedeutung scheinbar alltäglicher Momente zu schätzen.« So beschreibt Jihyun Kim den Impuls für ih
id“:11474054414604,“title“:“La La La: A Story of Hope \/ Silent Book Englisch \/ Kate

Senza fine / Silent Book / Zongxi Deng – mundo azul

Für Kinder ab 6 Jahren  What happens to us when someone dear to us passes away?Maybe not everything about her disappears, but something, or someone, remains in a different form to continue to be close to the people she loves. As? This wordless illustrated book, winner of the Silent Book Contest Junior 2023, tells us ab
id“:11474054414604,“title“:“La La La: A Story of Hope \/ Silent Book Englisch \/ Kate

Solo una noche / Silent Book / Andrea Antinori – mundo azul

Para niños a partir de 2 años. Un hombre sale de su casa y emprende una excursión a la montaña. Sube hasta la cima y luego desciende y acampa para pasar la noche en un bosque. Se mete en su tienda y, a partir de ese momento, comienzan a suceder muchas cosas a su alrededor. ¿Es el bosque un lugar mágico cuando llega la
id“:11474054414604,“title“:“La La La: A Story of Hope \/ Silent Book Englisch \/ Kate

Outono / Silent Book / Kinderbuch Portugiesisch / André Letría – mundo azul

Ein Leporello ohne Text über den Herbst.  Für alle Altersgruppen.  ———————–Um homem deixa-se influenciar pela inexorável passagem do tempo, à medida que caem folhas de uma árvore. Sentado num banco de jardim, observa, imóvel. Não age, mas pensa. Em quê?Prémios3x3 Magazine, Picture Book Show No. 13, 2016
id“:11474054414604,“title“:“La La La: A Story of Hope \/ Silent Book Englisch \/ Kate