Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

Travel Gadgets – Unsere Top 10 – Entdecker Blog

Was wäre auf deiner nächsten Reise „nice to have„?
Fun Things to Have Was wäre auf deiner nächsten Reise „nice to have“?

Englisch Spickzettel - Entdecker Blog

Spickzettel für die wichtigsten Ausdrücke und Wörter im Englischen sowie die wichtigsten Grammatik-Bestandteile auf dem Englisch Merkzettel im Überblick.
written  I will have been writing Present I write (he/she writes ) I am writing I have written

First World Problems: Die Top 50 - Entdecker Blog

„First World Problems“ bzw. „Erste Welt Probleme“ sind oft lächerlich im Vergleich zu wirklich ernsthaften Problemen: Die Top 50 First World Problems!
I have no place to put my leftovers from dinner because I have too much food in my fridge. 47.

Schulplaner | TravelWorks

TravelWorks ermöglicht dein Auslandsabenteuer: Schüleraustausch, Sprachreisen, Work and Travel, Freiwilligenarbeit, Auslandspraktika und mehr!
0 0 Never have I ever … Never have I ever …

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Singing as a Learning Tool in Speech Development – eKidz

Singing is a powerful tool to improve oral speech, so let’s have a closer look at this enjoyable didactic
Singing is a powerful tool to improve oral speech, so let’s have a closer look at this enjoyable didactic

8 Useful Tips on How to Learn the German Language - eKidz

In this article, we will have a look at mechanisms of human memory in order to understand how to best
Share: 8 Useful Tips on How to Learn the German Language In this article, we will have

8 Useful Tips on How to Learn the German Language - eKidz

In this article, we will have a look at mechanisms of human memory in order to understand how to best
Share: 8 Useful Tips on How to Learn the German Language In this article, we will have

Actividades y recursos gratis para enseñar español | - eKidz

Teaching Spanish is simple and free! has more than 50 books in 12 levels, audio narration and practical exercises to help the student.
Often you have to settle for quantitative differentiation.

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Upcycling Workshop 12.02.2022 | 14:00 – 18:00 Uhr

You don’t know what to do with all your little items you love or have collected along the way? L…
You don’t know what to do with all your little items you love or have collected along the way?

Bird-watching in English: Natur Park Südgelände 02.03.2024 | 11:00 - 14:00 Uhr

More than 40 bird species have been recorded in the park!
More than 40 bird species have been recorded in the park!

Birds in the Bergmannstraße Cemeteries (EN/DE) 13.04.2024 | 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr

EN: Birds in the Bergmannstrasse Cemeteries. Explore the diverse birdlife of the historic Bergmannstrasse graveyards with local Kreuz-birders Gráinne Toomey and Peter Badke. Bring …
Bring binoculars if you have them.

Utrecht: Planning for People & Bikes, Not for Cars

Utrecht is a city with unbelievable momentum for altering how its city center integrates with people. They’ve been slowly pushing the car out for decades in favor of bicycling and transit….
And they have built the symbolic Dafne Schippersbrug, a technological feat of creative imagination that

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Woche 14/2019 – April, April | Fridays for Future

Greta Thunberg auf Instagram das Ende ihrer Schulstreiks: “After talking to so many of our leaders I have – now realised that they have the climate crisis under
Greta Thunberg auf Instagram das Ende ihrer Schulstreiks: “After talking to so many of our leaders I have

Press release: Fossil Free North Sea Youth Alliance launched at COP29 ++ Stop the Fossil fuel expansion | Fridays for Future

In the final days of COP29, youth activists from Denmark, Norway, the United Kingdom, and Germany have
  In the final days of COP29, youth activists from Denmark, Norway, the United Kingdom, and Germany have

Offener Brief an die neuen Abgeordneten des EU-Parlaments | Fridays for Future

Die Lage in Europa ist historisch. Waldbrände und Überschwemmungen zerstören ganze Landstriche, während anderenorts die Klimakrise in Form von Wasserrationierungen in den Badezimmern Südeuropas auftaucht. Dabei ist Europa der privilegierteste Kontinent der Welt, die Verantwortung für konsequenten Klimaschutz und den Schutz von Menschen an anderen Orten ist historisch hoch. Wenn die EU es nicht schafft,
Over the past five years, we have seen what the EU and its often ridiculed institutions can do.

COP29 | Fridays for Future

In the final days of COP29, youth activists from Denmark, Norway, the United Kingdom, and Germany have

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Interview mit 8. Klässlern und Klässlerinnen – Gymnasium Friedberg

Here’s what our 8th graders have to say: English plays a huge role in today’s world.
Klässlern und Klässlerinnen Here’s what our 8th graders have to say: English plays a huge role in

Ask an American - Gymnasium Friedberg

Das Amerikahaus München bietet für Schulklassen die Möglichkeit, sich 45 oder 90 Minuten lang mit einem amerikanischen Studenten über die Vereinigten Staaten auszutauschen und somit viel Neues und Interessantes über „das Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten” zu erfahren.   So durften auch wir, die Klasse 10b, mit […]
We, the students of the class 10b, had the chance to have a video call with Emilee Klier, a college student

Englisch - Gymnasium Friedberg

„Kennst du viele Sprachen – hast du viele Schlüssel für ein Schloss.“ Voltaire (1694 – 1778), französischer Philosoph, Historiker und Schriftsteller Auch wenn diese Worte von einem Franzosen stammen, ist es heute doch unbestritten, dass die Beherrschung der englischen Sprache viele Schlösser öffnen kann. Englisch wird von […]
Klässlern und Klässlerinnen Here’s what our 8th graders have to say: English plays a huge role in today

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English Speaking Early Childhood Educators (m/f/d) for Fröbel centres in Germany – Fröbel – Für Kinder

Do you believe that as many children as possible should have the opportunity to grow up in a bilingual
Do you believe that as many children as possible should have the opportunity to grow up in a bilingual

English Speaking Early Childhood Educators (m/f/d) for Fröbel centres in Germany - Fröbel - Für Kinder

Do you believe that as many children as possible should have the opportunity to grow up in a bilingual
Do you believe that as many children as possible should have the opportunity to grow up in a bilingual

English Speaking Early Childhood Educator for Fröbel early childhood education and care service Seewinkel - Fröbel - Für Kinder

You would love to be part of a bilingual early childhood education and care service? Please join our team!
In addition, once you have successfully completed your probationary period, we offer you the opportunity

English Speaking Early Childhood Educator (m/f/d) for Fröbel early childhood education and care service Flipflopz - Fröbel - Für Kinder

Would you like to be part of our bilingual early childhood education and care service? Then join our team!
Are you a state-certified educator (staatlich anerkannnte:r Erzieher:in) or do you have a Bachelor in

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Harry Potter Bibliography

A Harry Potter Bibliography.
Mad: Have you seen this idiot? Mad Magazine 443 (July 2004). Scholastic, Inc. v.

Harry-Potter-Kiste: A–E

Sprachspielereien und Anspielungen in den Harry-Potter-Buechern.
„You might have got the impression that there is a little bit more to Aunt Petunia than meets the eye

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  • Kinder
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How I learned to accept my disability… – Raúl Krauthausen

If anybody asks me now about how I cope with my disability, I often compare it to a hair colour: I have
If anybody asks me now about how I cope with my disability, I often compare it to a hair colour: I have

How can I, as a self-determined wheelchair user, discover and explore a city independently? - Raúl Krauthausen

So wheelchair user like me have to stay out. The older […]
So wheelchair user like me have to stay out. The older the city you live in is, the harder it is.

Using an Electric Wheelchair Battery to Re-charge your Smart Phone - Raúl Krauthausen

I’m truly no electrician, but when I received my new electric wheelchair a few years ago, I asked my orthopedic technician whether he could attach a USB connection to the wheelchair battery to enable me to charge my smart phone.
Well, I still don’t know why it is not possible to have a direct USB port when there is no problem with

Printing a mini-wheelchair ramp yourself with a 3D-printer - Raúl Krauthausen

When I first bought a 3D-Printer from MakerBot around mid-year, I printed things like key chains and smart-phone covers to get a feel for it. On relevant platforms such as Thingiverse, it is easy to find all kinds of 3D-models to re-print. Looking around the site, I found the „Cupholder“ for wheelchairs. I thought this […]
Maybe it can also have a center loop for a rope so that people don’t have to bend too much and can use

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Produkttipp: Der buttinette Nähmaschinen-Trolley | buttinette Blog

Der buttinette Nähmaschinen-Trolley ist ein Must-Have für alle Nähfans.
, ob Ihr Eure Maschine sicher verstauen oder bequem mitnehmen möchtet – dieser Trolley ist das Must-have

DIY-Anleitung: Bauchtasche nähen | buttinette Blog

Eine Bauchtasche ist DAS Must-have für alle Festival-Besucher oder diejenigen, die nicht lange in großen
Dieses Accessoire ist DAS Must-have für alle Festival-Besucher oder diejenigen, die nicht lange in großen

Kostenlose Strickanleitng für Loopschal mit Zopfmuster - buttinette Blog

Loopschals sind ein praktisches Must-have!
Frühlingsaccessoire oder als wärmender Begleiter an kälteren Tagen, der Loopschal ist ein absolutes Must-have

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