Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

Reactive nitrogen at the Climate, Energy, Agriculture, water, and health Nexus

This project aims to holistically understand and quantify nitrogen fluxes across and within compartments to predict the effects of energy transition and environmental changes from other drivers and provide stakeholders and policymakers with informed possible outcomes of future scenarios.
Researchers have until now mainly focused onindividual compartments, thereby largely

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Phenotyping for adaptation (PhenoAdapt)

The goal of this project is to contribute to the evaluation of non-native tree species that could potentially mitigate mortality in our forests, through scalable drone-based phenotyping approaches and the assessment of mechanistic traits, such as phenological plasticity and drought stress-resistance
conditions (i.e., assisted migration), is among the forest management practices that have

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High-resolution stable isotope analysis of tree rings

Tree-ring d13C variations are a valuable archive of climatic information. A novel laser-ablation isotope-ratio mass-spectrometer enables to study variations within a single tree ring. We therefore plan to determine the occurrence of dry and wet periods of the past with unprecedented resolution.
Finanzierung Swiss National Science Foundation Tree-ring d13C variations have

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