WSL > Produkte > Glossary of Dendrochronology > about_EN
The compilers have selected terms referring to concepts and methods of dendrochronology
The compilers have selected terms referring to concepts and methods of dendrochronology
As the climate continues to change, Switzerland edges closer to a future in which extreme drought in the Alps is increasingly likely – and could push water and ecological systems to their limits. The EMERGE project studies past extreme droughts in mountain regions to help us better understand, and prepare for, potential impacts in the future.
simplified characterisation techniques, failing to accurately capture how droughts have
Gastwissenschafter, SLF Davos, WSL-Institut für Schnee- und Lawinenforschung SLF, Flüelastrasse 11, 7260 Davos Dorf
order to quantify this effect on a large scale, we depend on rockfall models, which have
This project investigates different ways of visualizing the complex data collected at the Pfynwald research site.
While the default sapling does not have a huge resemblance with the trees in Pfynwald
The WSL remote sensing group established a lecture series on current topics in the field of remote sensing. Besides latest developments in remote sensing techniques and sensors, special focus is laid on their usability and relevance for practice.
In this webinar we will have five in-house and five external presentations from renowned
ALANex brings together lighting engineers, practitioners, and experts from ecological and social sciences to reduce the negative impacts of artificial light at night while still meeting human lighting needs.
Recent advances in lighting technology have resulted in the low-maintenance, targeted
This project will digitise the 100+ years worth of data that is stored in field note books, plot maps, hand-drawn root structures and crown maps etc.
They have proved to be very valuable for many WSL projects in connection with modelling
Technischer Mitarbeiter, WSL Birmensdorf, Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Zürcherstrasse 111, 8903 Birmensdorf
Since 2020, I have been responsible for the scientific support of the FOEN in the
DRYSOM assesses soil organic matter (SOM) to drought in a long-term irrigation experiment (Pfynwald). Responses range from a suppressed processing through microbial and faunal communities, decreases in carbon inputs from trees into soils, to shifts in soil carbon storage.
These SOM shifts have consequences for microbial communities and long-term carbon
We want to explore a stable isotope tree-ring approach for analyzing physiological drought responses of trees. The results are expected to provide a novel diagnostic tool for understanding causes of tree decline.
Deuterium isotope ratios have been rarely applied in this context, but could be an