Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

Machine-Learning-Aided Forecasting of Drought-Related Extremes (MaLeFiX)

Climate change exacerbates drought-related extremes, with significant ecological, economic, and human health impacts. MaLeFiX project is developing an interdisciplinary platform that will provide comprehensive four-week forecasts of drought-related extremes – buying stakeholders valuable time to act.
Droughts are complex phenomena that have significant implications for many aspects

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Eco-​evolutionary processes in ecological and economic systems

Ecological and economic systems are complex adaptive systems (CAS): they are systems that are composed of many entities with heterogeneous characteristics, which interact and experience selection processes. Those processes act at the entity level, but are key in determining the macroscopic behaviour at the system level, a feature that make those systems unique.
Analogous economic processes have been proposed to explain differences in economic

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Drought effects on phenology with emphasis on reproductive phenology and the underlying physiological mechanisms in pine trees

We use a long-term precipitation manipulation experiment in mature Pinus sylvestris forests and a natural precipitation gradient from 840 mm to 290 mm/year with Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica, to study the „Drought effects on reproductive phenology and the physiological mechanisms of pine trees“.
al. 2013), or on shifts of reproductive phenology (Mazer et al. 2015) of plants have

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The Bug-Network

The aim of BugNet is to better understand the impact of invertebrate herbivores and fungal pathogens on plant communities and ecosystems. To do so we coordinate surveys on consumers and plant communities, and invertebrate herbivore and fungal exclusion experiments in many part of the world.
Kooperation University of Berne A wide range of organisms attack plants and they have

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