Environmental Humanities https://www.uni-augsburg.de/de/fakultaet/philhist/professuren/anglistik-amerikanistik/amerikanistik/projekte/envir/
The Environmental Humanities The Environmental Humanities have emerged in the twenty-first
The Environmental Humanities The Environmental Humanities have emerged in the twenty-first
Even though modern research suggests that there have been interactions between the
Guidance Project Overview In recent years, technologies like goal-line systems have
If we have good weather, we cross the lake Constance using the ferry from Friedrichshafen
Since the 1990s, an increasing number of studies have highlighted that especially
scandal“ deals with the accounting fraud and ensuing insolvency of Wirecard which have
Political ecology is about recognising the power that actors have at the moment of
The difficulty is because many objects have complex appearances; for instance, humans
understand how life-like properties such as metabolism, replication and selection, could have
academic record qualifies them to be granted a Humboldt Research Fellowship but who have