Augsburg Summer Program
I am super appreciative to have gotten this chance to explore Bavaria and appreciate
I am super appreciative to have gotten this chance to explore Bavaria and appreciate
Storied citizenship“ provides an overview of important issues and approaches that have
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
I have received Master of Science at Cornell University (Community-Based Natural
Attacks and Misleading Financial Analyses These days Germany’s listed companies have
Böhm (layout) Three Studies in Cruelty Three Studies in Cruelty is the motto we have
We have taken structural (verb structures, intensifiers) and textual (newspapers,
the Climate Legal Challenges to Protect the Climate 3 November 2022 Scientist have
Troy after the city has been sacked, and their husbands and most of their families have
In this case study we have used VSE II to construct a formal model of the distributed
Its bizarrely shaped districts have been compared to animals: the „supine seahorse