Climate protection in Germany: 40% reduction of CO2 emissions by 2020 compared to 1990 | Umweltbundesamt
current industrial nations with their very large per-capita emission levels will even have
current industrial nations with their very large per-capita emission levels will even have
For the determination of dry deposition, however, we have to rely on a chemistry
refrigerants with negligible or insignificant effect on the environment and climate have
refrigerants with negligible or insignificant effect on the environment and climate have
The report covers main findings of two information collection activities that have
equipment (hereafter referred to as WEEE) to coun-tries outside the European Union (EU) have
equipment (hereafter referred to as WEEE) to coun-tries outside the European Union (EU) have
commissioned by UBA and the German Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA), and others, have
, a large number of WTO members, among them a majority of Developing Countries, have
Studies have since been published for Germany and for the EU which look into the