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Anemone fish or Clownfish (Amphiprion and Premnas species) and damselfishes – Starfish Photos – Anemonenfische und Riffbarsche

starfish: photos of anemonefish, damselfishes – Anemonenfische, Riffbarsche: Abudefduf, Amblyglyphidodon, Amblypomacentrus, Amphiprion, Chromis, Chrysiptera, Dascyllus, Dischistodus, Neoglyphiododon, Neopomacentrus, Pomacentrus, Premna
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Sea Stars (Echinoderms) – Starfish Photos – Seesterne (Stachelhäuter)

starfish: photos of sea stars or starfish (Echinoderms like Valvatida, Comb Sea Star, Spinulosida, Forcipulatida) – Fotos von Seesternen (Stachelhäuter wie Klappensterne, Walzensterne, Kammsterne, Stachelsterne, Zangensterne) Families: Valvatida, Ophidiasteridae, Archasteridae, Oreasteridae, Asterodiscididae, Mithrodidae, Asteropseidae, Paxillosida, Astropectinidae, Acanthasteridae, Pterasteridae, Echinasteridae, Asteriidae Species on this page: Acanthaster, Anthenea, Archaster, Asterodiscides, Astropecten, Asteropsis, Bothriaster, Celerina, Choriaster, Culcita, Echinaster, Euretaster, Fromia, Gomophia, Halityle, Leptasterias, Linckia, Leiaster, Luidia, Mithrodia, Nardoa, Nectria, Neoferdina, Nidorellia, Pentaceraster, Pharia, Phataria, Protoreaster, Thromidia, Tosia
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Diving in southeast Sulawesi: Tukangbesi, Pasarwajo, Moromaho – description of dive sites, maps, dive operators (Zubi)

divesites in south-east Sulawesi (Tukangbesi, Pasarwajo), Indonesia – maps, description of dive sites, addresses, links / Tauchplaetze in Südost-Sulawesi (Tukang Besi, Pasarwajo) – Reiseberichte, Karten, Tauchplatzbeschreibungen, Adressen und Links (Zubi – starfish)
Only a few divers have ever visited the islands east of Wakatobi.

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Starfish: photos of Commensal Shrimps living on echinoderms (Periclimenes, Zenopontonia, Laomenes, Ancylomenes) – Fotos von Partnergarnelen (Caridea) welche auf Stachelhätern leben

starfish: photos of Commensal Shrimps living on echonoderms (Periclimenes, Zenopontonia, Laomenes, Ancylomenes) – Fotos von Partnergarnelen (Caridea) von Stachelhäutern Species on this page: Allopontonia, Brucecaris, Laomenes, Palaemonella, Periclimenes, Pontoniopsis, Stegopontonia, Synalpheus, Zenopontoni
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Gobies – Starfish Photos – Grundeln

starfish: photos of Gobies (Shrimpgobies, Prawngoby, Coral Gobies, Dwarfgobies, Dart Gobies, Sleepers, Wormfish) – Fotos von Grundeln (Wächtergrundeln, Korallengrundeln, Zwerggrundeln, Riffgrundeln, Pfeilgrundeln, Schläfergrundeln, Wurmgrundeln, Torpedogrundeln) Latin names of the gobies on this page: Amblyeleotris, Amblygobius, Arcygobius, Asterropteryx, Bryaninops, Coryphopterus, Cryptocentrus, Eviota, Exyrias, Fusigobius, Gnatholepis, Gobiodon, Gunnelichthys, Heteroplopomus, Istigobius, Lubricogobius, Lubulogobius, Lythrypnus, Mahidolia, Nemateleotris, Oplopomus, Oxymetopon, Paragobiodon, Phyllogobius, Pleurosicya, Priolepis, Ptereleotris, Signigobius, Stonogobiops, Tomiyamichthys, Trimma, Tryssogobius, Ucla, Valenciennea, Vanderhorstia
Please write to me, if you have any questions.

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