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Indonesian Dive Terms – indonesische Tauchausdrücke (Zubi)

Indonesian Dive Terms: words usuful while diving. terms for the equipment, what to ask and say on the boat. Special terms about ocean conditions and marine animals. includes a small list of every day words. Indonesische Tauchausdrücke: was man beim Tauchen benützt, Benennen der Ausrüstung. Hilfe auf dem Boot. Tauchbedingungen und Unterwasser-Tiere. Kleine Liste mit dem alltäglichen Wortschatz auf Indonesisch.
gehen (nach) pergi (ke) go (to) wollen mau want mögen suka like haben punya have

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Index for 90 pages with starfish’s underwater photography – collection of photos of coral reef animals – Startseite zu über 90 Seiten mit Unterwasser Fotos von Tieren aus dem Korallenriff

Index for 84 pages with starfish’s underwater photography – collection of photos of coral reef animals: coral reef fishes, plants, sponges, cnidarians, worms, crustaceans, molluscs, bryozoans, echinoderms, ascidians, reptiles Startseite zu 84 Seiten mit Unterwasser Fotos von Tieren aus dem Korallenriff: tropische Meeresfische, Meeresreptilien, Pflanzen, Schwämme, Nesseltiere, Würmer, Gliederfüsser, Weichtiere, Moostierchen, Stachelhäuter, Seescheiden, Reptilien, Korallen
Please write to me, if you have any questions.

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Dive sites in east Bali: Tulamben, Amed, Candi Dasa, Padang Bai, Lipay Bay, Gili Selang: description of dive sites, maps, dive operators (Zubi)

dive sites in east Bali, Indonesia: wreck diving in Tulamben, coral gardens in Ahmed and Candi Dasa, Mola Mola coean sunfish and sharks in Padang Bai, wild drift dives in Gili Selang – maps, description of dive sites, addresses, links (Zubi – starfish)
Please notice that they have a porter system in Tulamben.

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Diving in Negros (Philippines Visayas): Dauin, Apo, Sibulan, Sipalay – description of dive sites, maps, dive operators (Zubi)

divesites in Negros in the Visayas (Philippines) – maps, description of dive sites, addresses, links / Tauchplaetze in Negros (Visayas, Philippinen) – Reisebericht, Karten, Tauchplatzbeschreibungen, Adressen und Links (Zubi – starfish)
I did one of my 90-minute-dives on this small reef and I could have stayed longer

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Diving in south Sulawesi: Takabonerate, Bira, Selayar, Makassar – description of dive sites, maps, dive operators (Zubi)

divesites in southern Sulawesi, Indonesia: Makassar, Bira, Selayar, Takabonerate – maps, description of dive sites, addresses, links / Tauchplaetze in Süd-Sulawesi (Makassar, Bira, Takabonerate, Selayar) – Reiseberichte, Karten, Tauchplatzbeschreibungen, Adressen und Links (Zubi – starfish)
Sometimes there is a lot of current and you have to know when you can dive and

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print version of Wallacea – a transition zone from Asia to Australia, specially rich in

Print version of Wallacea – a transition zone from Asia to Australia, specially rich in marine life and on land. A biodiversity hotspot with many endemic species. About the naturalist Sir Alfred Russel Wallace who traveled in this area. Maps of Wallacea, the Indonesian Throughflow and the land bridge through Wallacea during the ice age.
all its birds with Java (we now know, that it is about 97%), Lombok and Bali have

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