Seite 63 – Andrias 18
Seite 63 – Andrias 18
Restoration efforts started in 2001, involving controlled grazing, have already
Seite 63 – Andrias 18
Restoration efforts started in 2001, involving controlled grazing, have already
Andrias 19
Interest- ingly, many species have woody host plants.
Andrias 19
The hyaline ascospores have a dis- tinctly triangular shape when seen in profile
Seite 15 – Carolinea 68
In the last decades, further obser- vations of this river inhabitant have been report
Andrias 19
The fungus appears to have been overlooked because of its minute apothecia and
Andrias 19
that the symptoms are delayed for 6 to 24 hours, by which time the amatoxins have
Seite 17 – Carolinea 68
species of filamentous Cyanophyceae with a phormidian trichome mor- phology have
Andrias 19
Meanwhile, however, several mycological groups have been established at the universities
Andrias 19
tholus, the paraphyses are much narrower and some- what curved, and the apothecia have
Andrias 19
Ascospore size was not evaluated; also spore number was not noted but might well have