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Privacy Notice – Ragdoll Productions

Ragdoll Productions Limited Privacy Notice as at 30th May 2018 1. General This privacy notice applies to Ragdoll Productions Limited. It has been updated to reflect the 2018 General Data Protection Requirement (GDPR). Ragdoll Productions Limited takes the privacy of your information seriously. This privacy policy is designed to tell you, the user of our[…..]
You do not have to supply any personal information to us but our services may not

  • International
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Ragdoll Productions appoints Brands with Influence to manage worldwide licensing for a new pre-school series to air on CBeebies – Ragdoll Productions

The world renowned and award-winning production company, Ragdoll Productions, has brought in Brands with Influence to manage the licensing for their new animated series B.O.T. AND THE BEASTIES which will be transmitted on CBeebies early in 2021. The series has been developed by Anne Wood and the team at Ragdoll’s studios in Stratford upon Avon.[…..]
appeal has been Ragdoll’s research and development process where all the characters have

  • International
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B.O.T. and the Beasties – Ragdoll Productions

B.O.T. and the Beasties is the latest series from Ragdoll Productions and launched on CBeebies on 11th January 2021. A new animated series of 50 x 5mins episodes introduces pre-schoolers to the trials and tribulations of a loveable robot called B.O.T. (Beastie Observation Transmitter). B.O.T discovers new worlds and all manner of new and strange[…..]
Eventually they may have created a number of Beasties that they would enjoy as their

  • International
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