Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

Hibernation – Pro Igel | Verein für integrierten Naturschutz Deutschland e. V.

Hedgehogs hibernate to survive the cold months. They are the only insectivore to hibernate. Hedgehogs can spend as long as five months asleep in their round, weatherproof, well insulated nests during winter when food is scarce. They roll up into a tight ball and stay for weeks or months in this position.
Timing of Hibernation When hedgehogs have gained enough weight, they will hibernate

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Spiny coat – Pro Igel | Verein für integrierten Naturschutz Deutschland e. V.

Hedgehogs are unmistakable because of their spines. The spiny coat which protects him from many enemies, covers his back completely from forehead to tail and goes all the way down his flanks to his abdominal fur. When he senses danger, a hedgehog who has been happily snuffling around can, in seconds, roll up into an
The spines have beige and brown stripes.

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Scientific literature – Pro Igel | Verein für integrierten Naturschutz Deutschland e. V.

Research into hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus Linné 1758) is essential for the acquisition of knowledge and for proper hedgehog care. Pro Igel recommends – and encourages – studies which contribute to the advancement of knowledge about hedgehogs. Ergebnisse von Freilandbeobachtungen sowie von parasitologischen
For several years the breeding times and sizes of litters of hedgehogs in Germany have

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Hedgehog measure – Pro Igel | Verein für integrierten Naturschutz Deutschland e. V.

Call for the collection of data on the body measurements of hedgehogs Knowledge of hedgehog body measurements is relevant to research. Relatively few figures are available for the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus), which is native to our region. Therefore we ask for your help! In Europe in particular, thousands of hedgehogs come into human hands
need of help who want to curl up, but measure either dead hedgehogs or those which have

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Nutrition – Pro Igel | Verein für integrierten Naturschutz Deutschland e. V.

Hedgehogs are insectivores, but in captivity you should not feed them snails, earthworms, etc. from the wild, because these are carriers of internal parasites. The diet of a hedgehog carer must be based on the composition of the natural food. It must be rich in fat and
Well-fed adult hedgehogs, which have been taken in e.g. because of an injury, need

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