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Using AI-based support to synthesise evidence-based knowledge from Summer Studies |

A just and inclusive energy transition is key to a successful implementation of Europe’s ambitious climate, energy transition and competitiveness policies. These issues are frequently discussed at eceee’s bi-annual summer studies. The seminar is held as part of the EU-funded Energy Efficiency Watch 5 project, to gather input for the EEW5 report on creating supporting narratives for strong energy efficiency policies.
We also have invited the European Commission to present their plans on ensuring buildings

CCQI scores for IFM projects point to substantial integrity risks |

The Carbon Credit Quality Initiative (CCQI) has released new scores for the integrity risks of carbon credits from improved forest management (IFM) projects. We find that unrealistic baselines and underestimated leakage are likely to lead to significant overestimation of emission reductions or removals under all assessed methodologies. The likelihood of additionality depends strongly on the forest management practices that are implemented. The sustainable development benefits are more limited compared to most other project types.
for conservation is likely to be additional as the project developers no longer have

Unveiling the Business Opportunity Analyser 2.0 – enhanced cost calculations with system optimisation |

Under the umbrella of the International PtX (Power-to-X) Hub, Agora Industry, in collaboration with the Öko-Institut, launched the Business Opportunity Analyser (BOA) version 1.0 in June 2023. Since then, the tool has been further improved and turned into a web application with all the features of version 1.0. In addition, an optimisation methodology has been implemented to calculate cost-optimal capacities and load factors of the individual system components.
The BOA will have a global scope covering most of the potential export and import

Factsheet CCQI Kommerzielle Aufforstung |

Das Risiko der Nicht-Zusätzlichkeit ist höher als für den Projekttyp Etablierung eines natürlichen Waldbestandes. Neben Emissionsgutschriften beeinflussen auch Einnahmen aus der Holzernte die finanzielle Attraktivität. Oft muss die Zusätzlichkeit nur zum Antragszeitpunkt nachgewiesen werden, nicht jedoch, wenn sich rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen im Projektverlauf ändern. Die Anwendung gängiger Quantifizierungsmethoden birgt das Risiko, die CO2-Entnahme zu einem geringen bis mittleren Ausmaß zu überschätzen. Das Risiko der Nicht-Dauerhaftigkeit ist hoch, da Wälder ganz oder teilweise zerstört werden könnten. Die Ansätze mit diesem Risiko umzugehen, unterscheiden sich zwischen Kohlenstoffprogrammen. Die kommerzielle Nutzung des Waldes kann positive Beiträge der Aufforstung zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung einschränken.
Factsheet-CCQI_Kommerzielle-Aufforstung.pdf (PDF1,80 MB) Commercial afforestation projects have

The role of decentralised flexibility options for managing transmission grid congestions in Germany |

Decentralised flexibility options connected to the distribution grid can be used for congestion management in the transmission grid. Their potential contribution for the transmission grid in Germany is investigated in a scenario analysis for the years 2030, 2040 and 2050.
Yet decentralised flexibility can still have effects on operational grid management