Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

EU-Agrarpolitik: Endlich die „Förderpraxis der Zerstörung“ ändern/EU agricultural policy: A change to destructive funding practices is long overdue [deu/eng] |

Die Geschäftsführerin des Öko-Instituts kommentiert, warum die derzeitige Neuverhandlung der EU-Agrarsubventionen nicht zum Klimaschutz beitragen wird. Und welche elf Maßnahmen das ändern würden.
The environmental NGOs and Green MEPs have urged the Commission to scrap the entire

Assessing the transparency and integrity of benefit sharing arrangements related to voluntary carbon market projects |

This study takes a first step in evaluating how benefit sharing arrangements are treated in the VCM and how they are being implemented. The study assesses different aspects of benefit sharing agreements.
(PDF485,82 KB) In recent years, issues with the integrity of carbon crediting have

The Partnership for Responsible Battery and Metal Recycling (ProBaMet) Project starts in Nigeria with visits to lead smelters in Ogun State |

Researcher Frederick Adjei shares insights into the work and approach of the collaboration with local stakeholders within the ProBaMet Project.
These serve as “pull factors” to ULAB recyclers in Nigeria hoping to have better