Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

Repair or replace? |

How can appliances be kept in service for as long as possible? When are they worth repairing – and when does it makes sense to buy a new and efficient appliance? The Oeko-Institut provides answers to these questions in a new background paper.
But policy-makers and industry still have much to do; this includes establishing

EU-Agrarpolitik: Endlich die „Förderpraxis der Zerstörung“ ändern/EU agricultural policy: A change to destructive funding practices is long overdue [deu/eng] |

Die Geschäftsführerin des Öko-Instituts kommentiert, warum die derzeitige Neuverhandlung der EU-Agrarsubventionen nicht zum Klimaschutz beitragen wird. Und welche elf Maßnahmen das ändern würden.
The environmental NGOs and Green MEPs have urged the Commission to scrap the entire

CO2 emission standards for cars and vans: the difficult switch from one test procedure (NEDC) to another (WLTP) |

The update of the CO2 emission standards for cars and vans for the post-2020 period is currently being negotiated. Peter Kasten discusses the switch from a NEDC to a WLTP based regulation scheme and how it could affect the effective real-world emission reduction.
Even though all vehicles have been tested with the WLTP during the type-approval