Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

#plastikfrei: Jeder produziert Mikroplastik |

Teil 1: Unsere Umwelt erstickt in Kunststoffabfällen, die nicht mehr zu entfernen sind. Was können wir alle tun, um die Plastikflut einzudämmen?/ Part 1: Our environment is suffocating in plastic waste that cannot be removed. What can we all do to stem the plastic flood?
institute and experts of different enterprises and of civil society organizations have

CO2 emission standards for cars and vans: how to make the switch to a WLTP-based compliance system a success |

The update of the CO2 emission standards for cars and vans for the post-2020 period is currently being negotiated. Peter Kasten presents concepts for increasing the effectiveness of the changeover from a NEDC to WLTP-based compliance system.
WLTP CO2 emission value is the prerequisite for a correction mechanism and would have