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Sir Norman Angell – Speed read –

Sir Norman Angell was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution to the cause of international cooperation and peace. Full name: Sir Norman Angell (Ralph Lane)Born: 26 December 1872, Holbeach, United KingdomDied: 7 October 1967, Croydon, United KingdomDate awarded: 10 December 1934 War does not pay Author and journalist Norman Angell received the Nobel Peace […]
December 10, 1933 I should like to thank you all very much for the great honour you have

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Nobel Prize Lessons – Alfred Nobel and the Nobel Prize –

This is a step-by-step timetable for the Nobel Prize Lesson Alfred Nobel and the Nobel Prize. This lesson package consists of four parts: a slide show with a speaker’s manuscript for the teacher, two short videos, a student worksheet, and this teacher’s guide. The lesson is designed to take 45 minutes.Teacher’s guide: Alfred Nobel and the […]
Conclusion (5 min) Summarise what you and the class have understood, and what you

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Martin Luther King Jr. – Speed read –

Martin Luther King Jr. was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his non-violent struggle for civil rights in the United States. Full name: Martin Luther King Jr.Born: 15 January 1929, Atlanta, GA, USADied: 4 April 1968, Memphis, TN, USADate awarded: 14 October 1964 The civil rights movement Martin Luther King dreamed of a USA in […]
Your Royal Highnesses, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen: The last few weeks have

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