Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

Event information –

Teaching and learning 11-13 September 2019, Delhi and Punjab, India Education is key to the future of humankind. By making education accessible to everyone, we can make sure that no human potential goes to waste. Through education we ensure that today’s students are ready to deal with the problems of tomorrow. Many Nobel Laureates talk […]
Many Nobel Laureates talk about how teachers have introduced them to the world of

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Nobel Prize lesson “Utopias and Dystopias” –

Teacher’s guide This is a step-by-step timetable for the Nobel Prize lesson “Utopias and Dystopias”.The purpose of this lesson is to give students an introduction as well as an in-depth study of the literary genres utopia and dystopia and their history.  This Nobel Prize lesson has been created within the framework for the citizen science […]
Warm-up (5 min) Ask your students the following questions: Have you come across

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Behind the scenes of the Nobel Prize in Literature –

We spoke to Ellen Mattson, who helps to decide the Nobel Prize in Literature, about how the prize process works. Discover more by reading our interview with her below. Can you tell us who you are? My name is Ellen Mattson. I’m a writer. A novelist. I’m a member of the Swedish Academy and also […]
So we have people all over the world who are entitled to nominate.

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Martin Luther King Jr. – Speed read –

Martin Luther King Jr. was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his non-violent struggle for civil rights in the United States. Full name: Martin Luther King Jr.Born: 15 January 1929, Atlanta, GA, USADied: 4 April 1968, Memphis, TN, USADate awarded: 14 October 1964 The civil rights movement Martin Luther King dreamed of a USA in […]
Your Royal Highnesses, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen: The last few weeks have

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Videos of Nobel Peace Prize lectures and acceptance speeches from peace laureates –

The Nobel Laureates are required “to give a lecture on a subject connected with the work for which the prize has been awarded”, according to the Nobel Foundation statutes. The lecture should be given before, or no later than six months after, the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony, which takes place in Stockholm or, in the […]
before a Nobel Prize is announced, the Nobel Prize laureate is called and told they have

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Behind the scenes of the Nobel Peace Prize –

How can you be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? Here Berit Reiss-Andersen, chair of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, gives an inside look at how the peace prize is awarded. Can you tell us who you are? My name is Berit Reiss-Andersen. I am by profession a lawyer, but I am the chair of the Norwegian […]
This we have interpreted through 120 years to cover arms reduction, international

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