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How many people actually have Covid-19?

The demographic scaling model developed by researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock and University of Helsinki makes it possible to estimate the actual number of Covid-19-infections in different countries with just a minimum of data. According to this model, the number of cases in Germany is only 1.8 times higher than the number of confirmed cases. For Italy, however, the researchers estimate that the number of infected is 6 times higher than the number of confirmed cases reported by the health authorities.
Homepage Newsroom From the Institutes How many people actually have

You have to learn to understand dogs

The first comprehensive study of the human ability to recognize the facial expressions of dogs suggests this ability is mainly acquired through age and experience and is not an evolutionarily selected trait, and in adults is better in those growing up in dog-positive cultural contexts. In a recent study published in Scientific Reports, a team of German and British researchers assessed how experience with dogs affects humans’ ability to recognize dog emotions. Participants who grew up in a cultural context with a dog-friendly attitude were more proficient at recognizing dog emotions. This suggests that the ability to recognize dogs’ expressions is learned through age and experience and is not an evolutionary adaptation.
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