Paper Banger
How to fold the paper banger
You have a similar sound if you clap your hands once. ……
How to fold the paper banger
You have a similar sound if you clap your hands once. ……
A simple puzzle, but not easy to solve.
There is also a bag on the reverse side, but the colours have changed.
Meine Sicht fünfstrahliger Figuren
Links ein Beispiel Kepler-Poinsot-Körper „All four (Kepler-Poinsot Polyhedra) have
Spirograph and its mathematical background
In the end you have to use both trigonometric formulas. Result: ……
Homepage 1999 – how it started
A colleague suggested: „Think of newspapers, they have narrow columns for better
About the cuboctahedron
Opposite areas have the same colours.
How to make a paper boat
You have formed the well known hat. 9 … Turn the hat 90 degrees and open it.
My page about the Sonobe star
You just have to make sure that not five pyramids but four pyramids form a wreath
A Collection of Ladder Problems
There are two similar triangles (yellow) and you have (##) x:b=b:y.
private Seite
Lidl and Netto have opened their supermarkets.