Kaprekar Number http://www.mathematische-basteleien.de/kaprekar.htm
Playings with numbers
You may have to repeat this procedure.
Playings with numbers
You may have to repeat this procedure.
How to fold the Origami-Frog?
I have drawn a line to make this clear. 6 ……
Description of a new cube puzzle
The violet triangles are congruent and have the sides sqrt(2)/2*a, sqrt(2)/4*a, and
Something about cubes
If you have the choice of the following four drawings most people would choose picture
Who am I?
Sometimes I am astonished how many pages have already been assembled.
Tricks with paper strips
I suppose that you have to explain this effect in the same way as a bimetallic bar
Puzzles with MacMahon’s Coloured Cubes
Cube and mirror cube have mirror images, for instance Ab and Ba.
About squares
Some nostalgia: I still have a calculator from 1971 (Quelle „Privileg“), which has
How to make a monogram
Many people who he knew have these pictures with their initials in their home.
How to play with figures of hexagons
Parallelogram Seven tetrahexes have 28 hexagons altogether.