Anatololacerta danfordi (GÜNTHER, 1876)
Expansion of Lacertini may have displaced earlier lacertid lineages from all or much
Expansion of Lacertini may have displaced earlier lacertid lineages from all or much
Copulatory organs appear to have high inherent stability, probably resulting from
Expansion of Lacertini may have displaced earlier lacertid lineages from all or much
Expansion of Lacertini may have displaced earlier lacertid lineages from all or much
The two clades have different ranges of eggs per clutch.
Expansion of Lacertini may have displaced earlier lacertid lineages from all or much
× Recent genetic works have suggested that the Iberian wall lizard Podarcis
Two behaviours present in the earliest lacertids have been coopted to this activity
× Several recent papers have reviewed the life and work of French herpetologist
× Recent genetic works have suggested that the Iberian wall lizard Podarcis