Podarcis erhardii riveti – Bibliografie https://www.lacerta.de/AS/Bibliografie.php?Genus=19&Species=61&Subspecies=50&Taxon=1
kurtmuelleri, Hemidactylus turcicus, Eremias arguta, Montivipera xanthina) that have
kurtmuelleri, Hemidactylus turcicus, Eremias arguta, Montivipera xanthina) that have
Studies stagnated dur- ing the twentieth century but have increased in the last decade
Though in certain cases it may be postulated that genetic drift may have acted as
With seven species represented in the area, lacertids have the highest species diversity
Podarcis filfolensis, exists in a number of isolated populations, some of which have
Podarcis filfolensis, exists in a number of isolated populations, some of which have
where both the paleogeography of the area and several environmental parameters have
Podarcis filfolensis, exists in a number of isolated populations, some of which have
It also suggests that soft aeolian sand habitats may have been independently occupied
It also suggests that soft aeolian sand habitats may have been independently occupied