Takydromus khasiensis – bibliography https://www.lacerta.de/AS/Bibliografie.php?Genus=3&Species=34&Taxon=1
The two clades have different ranges of eggs per clutch.
The two clades have different ranges of eggs per clutch.
„We have great and grave concerns over exotic species“ said Richard Hebda, curator
The four morphologically established species have also been recognized at the molecular
life-history traits of endemic lacertids in the Canary Islands (genus Gallotia) may have
The four morphologically established species have also been recognized at the molecular
The four morphologically established species have also been recognized at the molecular
) – “Cold-blooded” travellers around Sicily: How introductions and extinctions have
The two clades have different ranges of eggs per clutch.
The insular lizard populations of the Mediterranean have made a name for themselves
× The Canary Islands have become a model region for evolutionary studies.