Archaeolacerta bedriagae – bibliography
This appears to have been independently lost in members of many groups, but some
This appears to have been independently lost in members of many groups, but some
Male sex chromosomes have not been determined.
These genera tend to have heir most primitive species in the northeast and north
In this study we have found a remarkable uniformity in all genera of Lacertini studied
This result suggests that the populations of Galicia and Serra da Estrela would have
Our results have revealed that there are 20 lizard species belonging to 13 genera
The results indicate that the two taxa have been shaped by similar physiographic
× Recent genetic works have suggested that the Iberian wall lizard Podarcis
trilineata, L. agilis, P. hispanicus, P. algirus, G. atlantica, G. galloti, G. stehlin:) have
trilineata, L. agilis, P. hispanicus, P. algirus, G. atlantica, G. galloti, G. stehlin:) have