Podarcis cretensis (WETTSTEIN, 1952) https://www.lacerta.de/AS/Taxon.php?Genus=19&Species=60
× Recently, several works have focused on the lacertid lizards of the genus
× Recently, several works have focused on the lacertid lizards of the genus
× We have analysed several scalation characters and the geographic distribution
The results of the comparisons have been evaluated in respect to the phylogenetical
Expansion of Lacertini may have displaced earlier lacertid lineages from all or much
This appears to have been independently lost in members of many groups, but some
vivipara carniolica) and viviparous (Zootoca vivipara vivipara) populations that have
One hundred seventy-seven species of amphibians and reptiles in sixty-fiv genera have
This appears to have been independently lost in members of many groups, but some
This specimen may have some features of Ichnotropis microlepidota, in which case
It makes urgent to have an estimated population density of lizards in the various