Podarcis erhardii – Bibliografie https://www.lacerta.de/AS/Bibliografie.php?Genus=19&Species=61&Taxon=1
In this study, we utilize a model system in which Holocene landscape changes have
In this study, we utilize a model system in which Holocene landscape changes have
The two clades have different ranges of eggs per clutch.
kurtmuelleri, Hemidactylus turcicus, Eremias arguta, Montivipera xanthina) that have
Both approaches have shown the same trend at a national scale: the concentration
intraspecific variability at a segment of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b we have
average egg size was lower than expected on the basis of female mass, tended to have
Smaller adult males of these populations have longer while larger males have shorter
Non-morphological data may not show this tendency, but can have their own problems
Expansion of Lacertini may have displaced earlier lacertid lineages from all or much
Non-morphological data may not show this tendency, but can have their own problems