Omanosaura jayakari – Bibliografie
These species have no strong affinities with any members of the mainly Saharo-Sindian
These species have no strong affinities with any members of the mainly Saharo-Sindian
also been important, as they also have in the evolution of bird flight.
The four morphologically established species have also been recognized at the molecular
Deviations from this condition produce a more sculptured surface and have developed
intraspecific variability at a segment of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b we have
average egg size was lower than expected on the basis of female mass, tended to have
Non-morphological data may not show this tendency, but can have their own problems
Expansion of Lacertini may have displaced earlier lacertid lineages from all or much
Expansion of Lacertini may have displaced earlier lacertid lineages from all or much
Expansion of Lacertini may have displaced earlier lacertid lineages from all or much