Iranolacerta ARNOLD et al., 2007
Expansion of Lacertini may have displaced earlier lacertid lineages from all or much
Expansion of Lacertini may have displaced earlier lacertid lineages from all or much
taxa of the Eurasian Radiation [= `Eurasische linie` from (Mayer and Benyr, 1994)] have
Similarly, ecological analogues may have developed their common characaters in quite
Numerous new species have been identified; some have been described, for others research
These features have resulted in an extensive and complex diversity of habitat types
Deviations from this condition produce a more sculptured surface and have developed
It has been suggested that dorsal colour patterns and defence strategies could have
× To date, three species of Isospora Schneider, 1881 have been described from
In this study, we utilize a model system in which Holocene landscape changes have