Gallotia caesaris gomerae – Bibliografie
Haemogregarine blood parasites of as yet undetermined taxonomic status have recently
Haemogregarine blood parasites of as yet undetermined taxonomic status have recently
Expansion of Lacertini may have displaced earlier lacertid lineages from all or much
Expansion of Lacertini may have displaced earlier lacertid lineages from all or much
× Recent genetic works have suggested that the Iberian wall lizard Podarcis
A total of 25 amphibian and 95 reptilian (one translocated species) forms have been
The environmental variables used was found to be too coarse to have an impact upon
This appears to have been independently lost in members of many groups, but some
Expansion of Lacertini may have displaced earlier lacertid lineages from all or much
Expansion of Lacertini may have displaced earlier lacertid lineages from all or much
× Recent genetic works have suggested that the Iberian wall lizard Podarcis