26. Juli 1954 https://www.konrad-adenauer.de/seite/26-juli-1954/
After eight years of sovietisation the Central German universities have a roll of
After eight years of sovietisation the Central German universities have a roll of
and I am particularly pleased that the Federal Republic-for the first time-will have
come under collective consideration abroad, and have gone to form the erroneous
Deutschland, Robertson, zur Frage der Aufstellung einer Bundespolizei Sir, I have
The Chancellor and the High Commissioners were understood to have discussed also
And indeed, ten years ago very few people would have dared to hope that the two nations
structure established by the Atlantic Community in furtherance of its aims, they will have
impression that papal pronouncements and the proclamation of Christian teaching have
Mothers and wives have suffered untold sorrow.
Konrad Adenauer, German Federal Chancellor The internecine wars of recent decades have