Dinner-Speech von Christine Lagarde https://www.karlspreis.de/de/preistraeger/wolfgang-schaeuble-2012/dinner-speech-von-christine-lagarde
many years that deeper integration – including at the political level – should have
many years that deeper integration – including at the political level – should have
Her legal representatives have been prevented from defending her, with at least three
During fifteen months negotiations in Brussels have gone on for this purpose under
You have been found worthy of it because of your outstanding courage, of being faithful
International Charlemagne Prize to you, Sir Winston, the people of the City of Aachen have
Churchill im Hinblick auf die heutige Veranstaltung schrieb: „I think that you have
September 2003 – 40 Jahre nach der (berühmten) Rede von Martin Luther King: „I have
I sometimes get the impression that some Germans have the feeling that they are being