Government of Canada services and information in Amman, Jordan
the acceptance of Canadian public documents in the more than 120 countries that have
the acceptance of Canadian public documents in the more than 120 countries that have
Some policy officers who have not yet completed the GBA+ course have prior training
committed to in the agreement are not yet fully implemented, Canadian exporters have
Bound rates are binding tariff commitments at the WTO, whereby all Members have agreed
April 2020 Recommendation 4: For future health programming, ensure that projects have
Travelling now means your trip could turn out to be different than what you had expected.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada and countries around the world have
This website also addresses questions you may have about visiting, studying or moving
difficult due to differences in nature, scale and resources, NRC-IRAP was found to have
The Embassy of Canada to Japan welcomes visitors to public facilities.
Please check Embassy closures and have photo ID ready (e.g., passport, driver’s license
If you have asked us to forward your documents to an embassy, high commission or