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Summary of the Evaluation of Canada’s International Education Strategy – 2014 to 2017

In response to the growing importance of the international education sector for Canada, the Minister of International Trade launched the International Education Strategy (IES) in January 2014. The IES is the Government of Canada’s main vehicle for promoting Canada as a study destination internationally, and aimed to double Canada’s international student base to more than 450,000 by 2022, and promote Canada as a world-class destination for education and research.
international students five years ahead of schedule, favourable external factors have

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Global Affairs Canada committed to fighting racism

We will remember 2020 for a long time to come: tragic deaths, including those of George Floyd and Joyce Echaquan, sparked global outrage. These tragedies brought to everyone’s attention the racism and injustices that Black, Indigenous and racialized people experience throughout the world, including in Canada.
These brutal reminders have raised awareness and led to concrete actions to eliminate

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The Central Emergency Response Fund

People impacted by natural disasters and armed conflict need food, safe drinking water, medical supplies and other life-saving aid as soon as possible. The Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) exists to get rapid humanitarian relief to people quickly and efficiently. Grants are dispatched though two main funding windows:
The Fund sends out grants to „forgotten emergencies“ twice a year for crises that have

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Summary report: Evaluation of the Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Initiative, 2010-11 to 2017-18 – Summary Report

Since 2010, Canada has played a leadership role in global action to end the preventable deaths of mothers, newborns and children. Canada’s Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) Initiative is a ten-year (2010–2020) $6.5 billion commitment aimed at improving the health of women and children in the world’s most vulnerable regions
Innovation Have any innovative practices, approaches, and new ways of working been

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Evaluation of International Assistance Programming in Peru, 2013-14–2018-19

Global Affairs Canada’s International Assistance Evaluation Division (PRA) conducted an evaluation of Canadian development programming in Peru from 2013-14 to 2018-19. The evaluation aimed to inform decision-making, promote learning and improve Canadian programming. Evaluation questions covered effectiveness, gender equality and sustainability; responsiveness within a middle-income country; and policy and program coherence.
Many civil servants have term positions without stability.

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