Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

Air Carrier Security Measures at Canadian Airports

The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade presents its compliments to Their Excellencies the Heads of Diplomatic Missions and notified Chargés d’Affaires, a.i. accredited to Canada and has the honour to clarify the matter of air carrier security measures at Canadian airports.
visitors, including those at the Ministerial level.Footnote 1 Security measures have

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Requirements for exporting prohibited firearms

The Export and Import Permits Act (EIPA) places strict controls on the export of prohibited firearms and their specially designed components or parts and other weapons and devices. Under the Act, these items may only be exported from Canada to countries on the Automatic Firearms Country Control List (AFCCL)
magazines that are prohibited devices, full-automatic firearms or firearms that have

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