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About Project Browser

Project Browser is an interactive tool that allows you to search Global Affairs Canada’s international projects and download information as open data files. Project Browser is part of the Government of Canada’s continued commitment to Open Government and to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI).
Since 2004, data from international aid projects financed by Global Affairs Canada have

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Overview: The Indigenous Peoples Economic and Trade Cooperation Arrangement

The Indigenous Peoples Economic and Trade Cooperation Arrangement (IPETCA) is a non-binding and cooperation-based arrangement that acknowledges the importance of enhancing the ability of Indigenous peoples and Indigenous businesses to benefit from the opportunities created by international trade and investment. It therefore aims to increase Indigenous peoples’ participation in trade and promote economic development. The Arrangement also commits the Participating economies, jointly with Indigenous representatives, to establish an IPETCA Partnership Council to facilitate cooperation activities.
Trade has the potential to have a positive impact in economic development and exporting

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  • International
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