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Evaluation of International Assistance Programming in Peru, 2013-14–2018-19

Global Affairs Canada’s International Assistance Evaluation Division (PRA) conducted an evaluation of Canadian development programming in Peru from 2013-14 to 2018-19. The evaluation aimed to inform decision-making, promote learning and improve Canadian programming. Evaluation questions covered effectiveness, gender equality and sustainability; responsiveness within a middle-income country; and policy and program coherence.
Many civil servants have term positions without stability.

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Executive Summary – Thematic Review of Development Partnerships with Extractive firms in Peru, Burkina Faso and Ghana

Co-funding development projects with the extractive sector and civil society constitutes a new approach for GAC. The main purpose of this review was to assess the experience of partnerships established between non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and extractive firms on specific development initiatives.
As well, some of the projects may not have proceeded without the DFATD funding.

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Evaluation of the Canadian Police Arrangement and the International Police Peacekeeping and Peace Operations Program

The members of the Evaluation Steering Committee (ESC), comprised of representatives from the evaluation divisions of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT), Public Safety Canada (PS), the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) gratefully acknowledge the contribution of the Results-Based Management Group (RBMG), in particular Mr. Werner Meier, Ms. Madeleine Guay, and Mr. Serge Fyfe, for their work in preparing this evaluation report. The ESC further wishes to extend its appreciation to the many individuals from the aforementioned federal government departments and agencies, to those representatives from the provincial and municipal police-service partners, more specifically the Sûreté du Québec, the Montreal Police Service, the Toronto Police Service and the Durham Regional Police Service, and to the representatives of the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations (UNDPKO) staff, who volunteered their time and thoughts to support this evaluation. Finally, the ESC acknowledges the support and advice given by the members of the Evaluation Advisory Committee (EAC) on the approach, findings and recommendations of this evaluation.
As such, CIDA continues to have an interest in the CPA, recognizing the valuable

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