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New Export Import Control System (NEICS)

Global Affairs Canada is pleased to confirm an upgrade to the Export Import Control System (EICS). New Export Import Control System (New EICS) enables licenced customs brokers to apply online for export or import permits and certificates for controlled goods. New EICS represents changes in the web interface and does not constitute changes in trade control policy or the permit process. All users must enrol to receive new unique log-in credentials to access New EICS.
invitation with instructions: NEICS/ Once you have

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Changing attitudes on menstrual health

When she started a career as a registered nurse 50 years ago and went looking for adventure, Peggy Thorpe found it among teams of missionaries working in rural Papua New Guinea. She made trips of up to 8 hours by foot or on horseback to remote villages, where she monitored children’s growth, treated infections and delivered babies. At night her group shared a meal of roasted wild game that one of them had shot along the rugged trail earlier in the day.
reproductive cycle, fertility awareness and gender, plus a host of issues that have

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Evaluation of Global Affairs Canada’s Contribution to the Middle East Strategy

The Corporate, Trade and Diplomacy Evaluation Division (PRE) conducted an evaluation of MES to assess the extent to which Global Affairs Canada (GAC) contributed to the expected results of the Strategy from FY2016/17-FY2018/19 across its four pillars: humanitarian assistance, development, security and stabilization and diplomatic engagement. 
In most cases, humanitarian organizations did not have significant dependency on

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Evaluation of the Transformation Agenda

The Evaluation Division (ZIE), Office of the Inspector General (ZID), of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT) would like to acknowledge the contributions of Dr. Charles Lusthaus, Senior Consultant – Universalia, to the production of this report. ZIE also wishes to thank all those individuals who volunteered their time and their thoughts to support this evaluation. Finally, ZIE gratefully acknowledges the contributions of members of the Evaluation Advisory Committee who guided the evaluation throughout all its phases.
the same or have increased.

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Evaluation of the Northern Dimension Fund

Launched in March 2001, with an annual budget of Canadian (CND) $2 million per year for a period of five years, the Northern Dimension Fund (NDF) was designed to support activities that help to ensure Canada’s Northern interests are effectively advocated and advanced internationally, and to achieve the objectives of Canada’s Arctic foreign policy.
(e.g., the size of the fund and absence of multi-year funding authority) which have

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