Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

Executive Summary – ACORD Pan-Africa Agricultural Program

The summative evaluation of the Pan-African Agricultural Program (PAAP), implemented by the Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development (ACORD), was commissioned to strengthen local partner and DFATD knowledge of the subject and enhance the mutual accountability of both partners.
numeric targets was met, the implementation of the planned interventions would have

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Evaluation of the Canadian Trade Offices in China

This report provides findings and recommendations from the evaluation of the ten Canadian Trade Offices (CTOs) in China. This includes an examination of their contribution to Canadian trade and investment; as well as, the efficiency of its resource utilization and of its governance and organizational approach over the period of FY 2011/12 to August 2016.
Notably, CTO managers in India and Brazil have leadership opportunities, clearly

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  • International
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