Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

Indigenous-Owned Exporting Small and Medium Enterprises

This report reviews of the characteristics of Indigenous small and medium enterprises (SMEs) involved in international trade, and identifies opportunities for enhanced federal policy and program design to support Indigenous business performance in international markets. Exporting is one of the main characteristics used to evaluate performance since businesses are confronted with numerous challenges when attempting to enter foreign markets. For Indigenous firms operating in a small open economy like Canada, internationalization can be an important strategy for business growth and success.
The data also suggests that many Indigenous SME owners have found creative ways to

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Passport Canada – New Guarantor Policy and Directive on Loss of Citizenship (section 8 of the Citizenship Act)

Passport Canada is a Special Operating Agency of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada and its mission is to issue internationally respected passports.
These two policies have caused Passport Canada to enhance its Passport Application

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Victor Energy’s “Current” Success in Europe

When Alberta-based utility construction company Java Holdings Ltd. wanted to take advantage of the Canada-European Union (EU) Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) to expand into Europe, it looked to Canada’s Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) for help.
“They have been able to provide us with access to information that we wouldn’t otherwise

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