Details – German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
However, the negotiations of the overall budget have been characterised by shadow
However, the negotiations of the overall budget have been characterised by shadow
for, staff representation in and diplomatic engagement with UN development work have
including violence perceived by society as shameful such as rape or sodomy) still have
Die IDOS-Reihe Discussion Paper behandelt in kurzer Darstellung entwicklungspolitische Themen.
to the global financial crisis, the international financial institutions (IFIs) have
While sustainability taxonomies have been developed in recent years in many countries
stabilising and transformative roles in financial regulation, African central banks have
// Open access Worldwide, development agencies have
these to current arrangements and sustainability-related policies central banks have
Have manufacturing firms been all hit by the crisis equally, or were less efficient
However, this literature has focused mainly on quantity-based ICTs measures, which have