heidelberg.de – Help with discrimination https://www.heidelberg.de/english,Len/Home/immigration/help+with+discrimination.html
/ Immigration / Help with discrimination Help with discrimination If you have
/ Immigration / Help with discrimination Help with discrimination If you have
Heidelberg will künftig noch stärker gegen Diskriminierung, Vorurteile und Ausgrenzung vorgehen und das friedliche Zusammenleben seiner Einwohnerinnen und Einwohner weiter fördern. In the future, Heidelberg wants to take stronger actions against discrimination, prejudice and social exclusion and keep working on supporting a peaceful coexistence of its residents.
of Cities against Racism European Coalition of Cities against Racism If you have
Residence permits are available for foreign nationals wishing to study, or apply to study, at a public, or government-approved, university or equivalent institution in Germany.
Students are permitted to have taken a previous course of study abroad Practical
For an additional fee, companies can have the bin put out and taken back in for them
For an additional fee, companies can have the bin put out and taken back in for them
Integration als „gelebte Praxis“: Die Broschüren und Links zur „Kommunalen Integrationspraxis“ vermitteln Wissen in Kurzform, aber auch ausführliche Hintergrundinformationen. Integration as „established/everyday pracitce“: The brochures and links concerning the „Municipal Integretaion Practice“ impart knowledge in short form as well as detailed background information.
in Heidelberg / Integration / Municipal Integration Plan Downloads If you have
Координаційні центри: куди звернутися біженцям? / Anlaufstellen: wohin können sich Geflüchtete wenden?
If no accommodation is available: Refugees from Ukraine who do not have private accommodation
The civic center (Kongresshaus Stadthalle Heidelberg) has served as a venue for a wide variety of events in the city since 1903.
Visitors will have a better view of the stage from their seats and will benefit from
can accept no responsibility or liability for third-party websites, nor does it have
can accept no responsibility or liability for third-party websites, nor does it have