heidelberg.de – Sports for seniors https://www.heidelberg.de/english/Home/Life/sports+for+seniors.html
Heidelberg’s Senior Centers have plenty in store for older residents of the city,
Heidelberg’s Senior Centers have plenty in store for older residents of the city,
Children can have lunch at school and do their homework with supervision.
whether to put out and take in their bins themselves on the day of collection, or have
Heidelberg is considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in Germany.
population, too, is international: an estimated 56,000 of Heidelberg’s inhabitants have
Keep-fit sessions are now held at regular intervals in public spaces around Heidelberg, in an initiative entitled ‘Keep fit in the fresh air’. The concept is proving very popular. Run by the city’s Office of Social Welfare and Senior Citizens and the network ‘Mehr Bewegung lebenslang’ (‘Keep exercising all your life’), the project aims to motivate (mainly older) people to exercise each week, and to get out and meet other people from their local area.
Wilhelmsplatz, Wednesdays 10 am) Ziegelhausen (Kuchenblech, Wednesdays 9 am) If you have
Mayor] portal gives local people a chance to present any personal concerns they may have
As locations for research, Heidelberg and the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region are characterized by an ethos of close collaboration between science and business.
Technology Park Conversion in Heidelberg: Plans for Campbell Barracks Decisions have
Homepage Mark Twain Center
example, it shows how the historically close ties between Germans and Americans have
Bahnstadt is the world’s largest passive house settlement: From apartments and laboratories to shops, daycare facilities and schools, even the fire station and cinema – everything is built in compliance with the climate-friendly passive house design.
Around 2,300 apartments have already been built – with around 3,700 apartments planned
As an international city that welcomes around 3 million visitors every year and has some 45,000 permanent inhabitants with an immigration background, Heidelberg is twinned with no fewer than six towns around the world:
Meetings have already been held five times in Heidelberg, during which the former