Human rights –
Women should have better access to land and to labour, financial and economic markets
Women should have better access to land and to labour, financial and economic markets
Democracy and state structures Citizens are demanding the right to have their say
For more than 25 years we have been assisting partner countries to establish and
Die GIZ veröffentlicht detaillierte Projektdaten sowie Projektdarstellungen zu allen laufenden Vorhaben. Auf den folgenden Seiten finden Sie sowohl eine Vielzahl an aggregierten Daten zu den Projekten und Programmen der GIZ als auch Detailinformationen zu den laufenden Vorhaben in den Partnerländern und Regionen. Die Daten werden täglich aktualisiert. (Datenlizenz Deutschland – Version 2.0)
German development cooperation actors have until now been unable to sufficiently
It is important in this context to have regional and global trade agreements that
general requirements concerning product quality, social and environmental standards have
Well-trained people have better chances of finding decent employment and securing
girls and boys or between the poorest and the richest). 1 out of 5 children do not have
Expertise Rural, agricultural and SME financing © GIZ People in rural areas often have
As a consequence, more and more people have little chance of taking charge of their